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( 表紙の画像は このページの一番下にあります )


Written by Preeda Panyachand
Retold by Masako Fuse
Translated into English by Yuko Saito

Deep in a forest,
a hermit sat on a rock under a tree.

"If someone is small and weak," he thought,
"he may have trouble…."

"Help! Help!" screamed a mouse
as he ran from the sharp beak of a crow.

The hermit drove the crow away.

He picked up the trembling mouse
and stroked it gently.

"Don't be afraid," he said.
"You are safe now."

He gave the mouse a little milk
and some rice.

Along came a cat.
The little mouse trembled in fear.

"Abracadabra!" said the hermit,
and the mouse instantly changed into a bigger cat.

The other cat was afraid and ran away.

―― 以下略 ――

【表紙の画像】 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 絵: Preeda Panyachand ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆