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( 表紙の画像は このページの一番下にあります )

A Philippine Folktale

Retold by Albert E. Gamos
English text by Yuko Saito

t was a bright summer morning. Arao the Sun woke up, and as he rose above the green hills he spotted Guyam the Ant who was carrying grains of rice from the rice paddy.
  "Good morning, Guyam!" he called out. "You start working so early!"
  "Oh, hi Arao!" the ant replied cheerfully. "The early bird catches the worm, you know. It's the harvest time, and I need to store up enough food before the rainy season comes."

ipaklong the Grasshopper greeted the ant in his usual playful tone:
  "Yoo-hoo, Guyam! What's for breakfast? Do you have something to spare for a friend?"
  The grasshopper loved singing and dancing, and never worked for his food. He took it for granted that Guyam would share his food with him any time.

ipaklong visited Guyam every morning for breakfast, and the ant never complained. After the breakfast, the grasshopper would take a nap, while his friend would immediately go out again to collect more rice grains and breadcrumbs.
  The ant loved working and he often sang while working:

     Save for the rainy days, oh,
     Make hay while the sun shines.

―― 以下略 ――

【表紙の画像】 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 絵: Albert E. Gamos ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆